Spring...finally. I awoke to the sounds of birds singing this morning and sunshine peeking around the edges of the curtains above my bed...about time! I even went for a long walk in my 'hood and listened to my iPod. I am currently loving indie rock--the Black Keys, Kings of Leon, the Killers, Muse (OF COURSE!), Coldplay, Arcade Fire, Radiohead, Florence and the Machine, Mumford and Sons, etc. (I think most of those are considered indie rock anyway). I also love that song "Thriftshop." It is impossible to be still when that song is on. I find myself tiring of Taylor Swift (though I love her "Speak Now" album and always will). She is overplayed on the radio. And Maroon 5/Adam Levine, whom I used not to care for, I suddenly cannot get enough of. I guess my musical tastes are evolving. Had I been writing a blog post about music three or so years ago, I'd have been talking about nothing but opera and showtunes. How I've changed...speaking of which...
I am going through a rebirth of sorts and the timing is great considering spring is when the earth goes through its own rebirthing process. I started a health/fitness kick on the first of March and I am proud to say that as this first month nears the end, I have not had one, single, off-day in my quest to improve my health! And people are starting to notice which does wonders for my self-esteem. I can fit into clothes which, six months ago, would have been a joke to even try on. I'm using an app on my phone called Lose It! My friend Jessica told me about it and it is amazing. I highly recommend it to all of you out there who might be wanting to lose weight and/or shape up. The app tracks everything for you. It's easy to use and very motivational. Give it a try! I am also an exercise fiend. I spend a lot of time at the gym and, of course, I have Jonathan, my trainer, whom I've mentioned on this blog before. I actually want to run a half-marathon eventually (it's on my bucket list) and I feel myself getting closer and closer to making that happen. I have only experienced a runner's high one time in my life and that was when I was in the Marine Corps. I want to experience that sensation again--there's nothing like it...almost...which brings me to...
Another part of my rebirth has to do with matters of the heart. There's no way I can blog and not mention, even in the abstract, my happiness these days with a certain someone. Open, Sweet, Caring, Amazing, Romantic (yes, those adjectives are capitalized for a reason -- I like acronyms). You truly never know where or when love will find you, which makes me think of those corny Jane Seymour jewelry collection advertisements where she's pitching her "Open Hearts" collection. I used to make fun of those ads! But...it turns out she's right when she says that if you leave your heart open, love will find its way in. Who knew Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman, was such a romantic! On that note, I shall sign off here. Happy spring, everyone, and remember...the best way to find something that eludes you is to just stop looking! Until next time...