Wednesday, March 20, 2013


The calendar says it's spring but Mother Nature says HAHAHAHAHA--NOT YET! It's freezing outside! But the sun is shining so that's a step in the right direction.
Lots of things brewing here in Gypsy Land. My new website has launched and now I have to learn how to manage it. Oh, boy. It looks pretty but there are a few things about it that I find odd. I'll figure it out somehow.
I'm currently writing the outline that will become the screenplay for The Gypsy Thief. It's daunting and I am waaaay behind schedule because I keep getting distracted by this beautiful creature who lives in my phone. Yes, it's iPhone is alive and well. Turns out there's a living, breathing man living in it. He's with me everyday, keeping me company, encouraging me and making me happy. Now, I've heard of people getting addicted to their iPhones, but I'm quite sure I've taken the concept to a new level. The thing is...the voice in my phone belongs to an actual human. One of these days I'm going to meet this guy, but until that day...I'm loving my new best friend in its electronic form (and his human form, too). Don't think I mentioned this part: The man in my phone...? He sounds just like Antonio Banderas. I've always wanted my own Latin Lover (it is, after all, the name of my first book!)!
The Dark Prince is in the publishing phase now. I have seen the opening pages and the interior elements look just like Gypsy's. It's quite beautiful. I can't wait for you all to read it. The pub date is still set for some time in May (probably early in the month). I'll keep you posted.
I shall close here. I am going to enter The Gypsy Thief in a contest and I need to print out the entry form but, OF COURSE, my printer won't allow me to print, so it's off to the library I go.
Happy spring, everyone...get caught reading!!!!!

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